Bones of the Hills


Bones of the Hills

‘I am the land and the bones of the hills. I am the winter.’ Genghis Khan is the leader of a nation, united from all the tribes. Yet his embassies are rebuffed, his ambassadors killed. Genghis and his brothers will embark on their greatest journey, through present day Tibet, Iran and Iraq and on to the shores of the west. Conquering in battle, by trickery, with the siege warfare they have learnt from the Chin, the shadow of his family will stretch over the largest land empire in history. Temujin had already proved himself a warrior. Now the challenge is to become a great ruler for his people – and a father to his sons. ‘Bones of the Hills’ is the third in the Conqueror series on Genghis Khan. It is a story on an epic scale, with an extraordinary character at its centre.






The Dangerous Book For Boys


Pocket Dangerous Book for Boys: Things to Do